
What does Git stand for?

Hello everyone, welcome back to this session. So today I’m going to start with Introduction to Git, right? So let us get introduced. But before that let us understand why are we only learning it. Why not some other tool, right?

Version control systems are essential in the dynamic field of software development. Git stands out among them all as a potent and popular tool. Let’s investigate the origins of Git, interpret its abbreviation, examine its fundamental ideas, and comprehend its importance in team-based programming settings.

Why to choose Git?

Like I told you guys, there are a lot of distributed version control systems out there. Why are we only learning about it right? So let me just compare it on Google Trends and this is the result that I get, right?


So if I search for Git, Perforce, and Mercurial, which are the top three distributed version control systems out there, you can see that this tool is the most famous among the mall, right?

So that means that if you learn, you have a high chance that you know you might land up in a DevOps shop more if you know Git than Mercurial or Perforce.

Because Mercurial and Perforce, because the popularity is low, we can easily conclude that not many companies are using these two tools, right? So most of the companies are using it in my experience.

Also, I’ve seen most of the companies use it, right? And that is the only reason we have included it in our course. And that is the reason we are learning Git also today.

Its advantages and disadvantages can be seen when contrasting it with other version control systems. Many developers choose it because of its distributed architecture and performance benefits.

Making wise choices in software development initiatives requires an understanding of these subtleties.

What is the definition of Git?

All right, So moving forward now let us see what Git is exactly.

“Git is a Version Control System for tracking changes in computer files and coordinating work on those files among multiple people. It is primarily used for source code management in software development, but it can be used to keep track of changes in any set of files.”

So it is a version control system. It’s software that falls under the architecture of a distributed version control system, right? It does the same things that any other version control system does.

That is, it tracks changes. It keeps your files versioned right? And because it’s distributed you you have a local repository as well and then you also have a remote repository.

Now in the case of a remote repository, you get a lot of options guys. But what we what we are going to do is we’re going to opt for a free option which is GitHub, right?

So you might know GitHub, it is famous for all the open-source tools that it hosts right? So we are also going to work with it.


Git is a cornerstone of contemporary software development, to sum up. It is a vital tool for developers everywhere because of its many features, simplicity of use, and ability to facilitate global collaboration. Accepting it not only improves individual performance but also increases team projects’ effectiveness and success.

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