
What is the Git Life Cycle and How it works?

Git Life Cycle

Hello everyone, welcome back to the session. So in this session, we are going to learn about the git life cycle and how it works. So without wasting any time, let’s go ahead and understand the git life cycle. Guys. In the Git life cycle or about any file that exists or which exists in … Read more

What does Git stand for?


Hello everyone, welcome back to this session. So today I’m going to start with Introduction to Git, right? So let us get introduced. But before that let us understand why are we only learning it. Why not some other tool, right? Version control systems are essential in the dynamic field of software development. Git stands … Read more

How many types of Version Control Systems are there?

types of version control systems

 Hello everyone. Welcome back to this session. So today in this session, we’re going to discuss the types of version control systems which exist in the industry right now. Alright, so typically there are two types of version control systems, which are central version control systems and distributed version control systems. Now exactly what is … Read more

What is the purpose of a Version Control System in Web Development?

Version Control System

What is a Version Control System Hello everyone, welcome back to the training. So today in this session we’re going to start with what is version control. So let’s go ahead and understand what is it exactly. So, guys, version control is nothing but a system that manages the changes that you make in your … Read more