
What is the Basic Definition of the Ansible

Hello everyone, welcome back to this session. So today in this session we’re going to start with what is Ansible. So without wasting your time, let’s go ahead and start with the session that will tell us what Ansible is.

So Ansible, like Puppet, is just another configuration management tool.

And what is configuration management? It’s nothing but installing software on multiple systems.

For example, if you have a fleet of 150 or 200 servers and you want to do a particular software install on all those servers, if you do that manually that will take a lot of time, right?

And for that we needed something that could automate the installation of software on multiple systems and the way forward was configuration management, right?

And now what happens is any software that you want to install, you can do that with a single click of a button on all the servers that exist in your fleet using the master-slave configuration.

On your master, you will have the answerable or puppet master installed, and then on the slaves, you just have to specify on what machine what to install and everything will be done automatically right.

What Could be solved with the Ansible

This solves two things.

The first thing is that the software that was installed, they were taking a lot of time if it were done manually and now with Ansible or Puppet in the picture where everything is happening automatically, it does not take that much time.

The second thing is there is no room for error because everything happens automatically right? So if there was any error that could be committed while installing software, that is not the case now because everything is automated.

So that is why, you know, configuration management as a concept became so popular and that is why so many tools have been developed and we have learned Puppet.

Today we’re going to learn Ansible, which yet again just solves the configuration management problem right?

Some facts about the Ansible

now, a few facts about Ansible. So it was written by a person called Michael Dehan, right? And the name Ansible came from a fictional novel that was written by Ursula K Le Guin in 1966, right?

That’s like 50 years before this novel was written. And there was a communication device in this novel, right? And the name of that configuration device was Ansible.

So it is, the name has been taken from there by Michael Dehan, right? And again, this software was acquired in the year 2015 by Red Hat.

So now any updates or Many features that are added to the software would be directed by the Red Hat company, but in its true nature right now as well, Ansible software is open source and anybody can download it for free.

Anybody can make changes to it because it is open-source, right?


In conclusion, Ansible stands as a versatile and user-friendly automation tool with a broad range of applications. From simplifying routine tasks to managing complex infrastructure, Ansible empowers users to achieve efficiency and consistency in their IT operations.

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